Favorite Ingredients
Ingredients are crucial to the quality of a product. TrueRenu takes great care on researching and identifying products that feature natural ingredients.
From the antioxidants in Rice bran, the natural moisturizing qualities from the Tsubaki (Camelia) plant, and more, you'll find many of our products here that feature the benefits of natural ingredients!
''My wife loves this stuff'' ''My wife said this stuff works great - Just ordered 4 of these. She said before she had to use a bunch of products and with this stuff just the...'' (Item 4011)
''love love love'' ''Love this product!'' (Item 7011)
''Very good'' ''I ordered 2 sets of samples. Everything came in time, & I was very pleased. TrueRenu even included a ton of free extras too, which I was very...'' (Item 4009-f)