Favorite Ingredients
Ingredients are crucial to the quality of a product. TrueRenu takes great care on researching and identifying products that feature natural ingredients.
From the antioxidants in Rice bran, the natural moisturizing qualities from the Tsubaki (Camelia) plant, and more, you'll find many of our products here that feature the benefits of natural ingredients!
''Salux beauty skin cloth supersedes any other bath cloth!'' ''Long enough to wash your back, will wad up something like a pouf, but the texture is perfect! You will wonder why you've ever used a cloth to wash...'' (Item 7012)
''Loving this product'' ''I have thick, dry, hard-to-manage hair. After a few days' use of the shampoo and conditioner, my hair is smoother and more manageable. Plus, I...'' (Item 4011)
''My kids love it'' ''My daughter likes it on her cheeks after bath, and then makes everyone feel how 'smooooth' she is. My son grabs a bit on his finger, so he can...'' (Item 4016)