Welcome to TrueRewards -- Shop, Earn ... and Save! --
You're automatically entered, and you start earning TrueRewards with your first shipped order.
You can request a TrueRewards Redemption Coupon at anytime for savings on a future order!
With TrueRewards, you start earning savings towards future purchases today. Nothing to sign up for, no codes to remember.
Earned TrueRewards are redeemable for discounts on the products you love from TrueRenu.
How To Redeem Your TrueRewards:
All TrueRenu Customers Earn TrueRewards!
All of our customers - including our International customers - earn TrueRewards that are redeemable for
discounts on all products available at TrueRenu.
Review Your Account to see your Available TrueRewards:
Log in to your account (click "ACCOUNT LOGIN" at the very top right corner of this page) using your email
address and password. If you are already logged in, you can access your TrueRewards balance
directly here: Click to Review Account. Every
100 TrueRewards is worth $1.00 off a future purchase in our store.
Request your TrueRewards Redemption Coupon BEFORE PLACING AN ORDER:
To redeem, simply tell us how many TrueRewards you would like to use!
Click Here to request a TrueRewards Redemption Coupon and follow the instructions. We'll email back a coupon for the value of your redeemed TrueRewards, which you can then use on your next purchase. This process can take 24-48 hours, but it usually happens sooner.
If you've already started an order, SAVE IT so you can go back to it, then email us your redemption request. Once we send you your coupon code, you can go back to your saved order and enter it for your savings.
Shop at TrueRenu and Use your Coupon:
When you're ready to check out, simply enter the coupon code we emailed you. Your TrueRewards Savings
will be displayed, and you pay the reduced total invoice. You may even use your TrueRewards to purchase
gift certificates. Best of all, you'll continue to earn even more TrueRewards on everything you buy,
even items purchased while using your TrueRewards Redemption Coupon! Could it be any simpler?!
You don't have to redeem all your TrueRewards at once, but we encourage you to use the entire face value of the coupon you request in one order transaction. Didn't use all your redeemed TrueRewards? Don't worry - just let us know and we will return the unused points back to your account.
Your TrueRewards Redemption Coupon will have an automatically assigned expiration date for your protection. You'll have plenty of time to shop, but just in case your code expires before you can use it, don't worry. Simply email us a request to either extend your expiration date, or return the unused points back to your account. Either way, your earned TrueRewards will be available whenever you're ready.
Here's a sampling of TrueRewards you could earn:
TrueRewards Levels
If You Order
You Will Earn...
TrueRewards Earned For Future Savings
Japanese Body Lotion with Camellia Seed
150 TrueRewards
$1.50 SAVINGS!
Komenuka Bijin Ultimate All-Natural Beauty Set
950 TrueRewards
$9.50 SAVINGS!
Komenuka Bijin Hair Care Set
330 TrueRewards
$3.30 SAVINGS!
TrueRewards Levels and Redemption Coupon Values are for illustrative purposes only. Individual TrueRewards are
shown for most products when ordering at TrueRenu.com.
TrueRewards Redemption Values & Rules:
These rules and redemption values are subject to change. If we modify the rules or rewards structure at any time we will post the changes here on our web site.
TrueRewards are earned with every shipped order. To take advantage of your savings when ordering, redeem your TrueRewards to receive your TrueRewards Redemption Coupon before placing your order. After we email you your TrueRewards Redemption Coupon, then go shopping, enter your TrueRewards Redemption Coupon, and submit payment -- You'll get the TrueRewards advantage with a reduced order total!
For every 100 TrueRewards earned you can receive a TrueRewards Redemption Coupon valued at $1 --
the more you purchase, the more TrueRewards you will earn, the greater the TrueRewards Redemption Coupon value you can request.
Example: If you have earned 1250 TrueRewards from all your purchases, you can request a TrueRewards Redemption Coupon with a maximum value of up to $12.50. We will email you an electronic TrueRewards Redemption Coupon worth this $12.50 savings which you then can apply to any subsequent purchase. (Coupon valid on product purchase only - Shipping & Handling do not qualify for savings.)
To get your TrueRewards Redemption Coupon, simply Click Here and follow the instructions. We'll email back an electronic TrueRewards Redemption Coupon after TrueRwards verification, which you can then use on your next purchase. This process can take 24-48 hours, but it usually happens sooner.
Your available TrueRewards - and your entire account including all your purchasing history - can be reviewed online 24x7 via Click to Review Account once you have logged in.
TrueRewards Redemption Coupons are redeemable for discounts on future purchases at www.TrueRenu.com only.
If you do not state a redemption value, or request a redemption value greater than the maximum available, we will issue you a TrueRewards Redemption Coupon for the entire available "Max Value".
Only purchases made at www.TrueRenu.com are guaranteed eligibility for TrueRewards. This is very important, especially if you have purchased TrueRenu products through other websites. Although you may earn some TrueRewards with a purchase through another site, subsequent purchases are not guaranteed eligibility. If our arrangements with 3rd party web sites or affiliates should change in the future, we will post these changes here on our web site.
By participating in TrueRewards, you agree to receive emails on a regular basis with your TrueRewards balance, redemption instructions and/or other promotional opportunities.
We reserve the right to reduce the earned TrueRewards in certain circumstances - for instance, for all returns and/or refunds.
TrueRewards that are not redeemed after a year may expire. However, we will send a notice of expiration to the email address on file. Please keep your account updated so we have a current way to contact you.
You always have the option of not participating in our TrueRewards Points program, just send us an email with your full name and shipping address.
As always, absolutely none of your information is shared with anyone or any other company. Period.
Are There Products
You'd Like to See?
Let us know what items you are interested in but we don't carry.
''love it!'' ''wonderful for the back, many thanks,great seller.'' (Item 7016)
''Great Product'' ''I wash my hair daily and blow dry and curl so I needed a very user friendly product. This is it! You use very little even with long hair so it's a...'' (Item 4060)
''Cream Cleanser'' ''Once you try this you may not be able to live without it. The creamy texture and high efficiency of this makeup remover makes your cleansing...'' (Item 4012)